Application of Microwaves on Remote and Nondestructive Testing of both Biofouling and Wall Thinning inside a Metal Pipe
劉 臨生,Linsheng LIU,佐々木 幸太,Kota SASAKI,遊佐 訓孝,Noritaka YUSA,橋爪 秀利,Hidetoshi HASHIZUME
The authors have already proposed microwave nondestructive testing (NDT) method on detecting both location and degree of a pipe wall thinning (PWT) inside a metal pipe. However, problems caused by iofouling inside metal pipes are also frequ ently reported in recent years. As the existence of biofilm inside a aveguide will change its wave impedance and also cause microwave reflections, the characteristic signals of iofilm defects are studied here to distinguish the biofilm and PWT defects. A pair of coaxial...
Application of Microwaves on Remote and Nondestructive Testing of both Biofouling and Wall Thinning inside a Metal Pipe